Why This Scandal Won’t Hurt Hillary

… The Hillary Clinton e-mail controversy is just the latest entrée in a decades-long, calorie-rich menu provided by the former first lady and her husband. But will it make a difference in 2016? Scandal allegations are almost always an enormously time-consuming distraction and they make it virtually impossible to communicate […] Read more »

Republicans Like The Bushes’ Stances On Foreign Policy

Jeb Bush gave his brother, former president George W. Bush, a big bear hug today — foreign policy wise, at least. … That got me thinking: With Jeb trying to win the GOP presidential nomination, how do Republicans — coming on seven years after the end of W’s term — […] Read more »

For Presidents Day, a look at presidential job approval ratings from Ike to Obama

Perhaps no measure better captures the public’s sentiment toward the president than job approval. It dates back to the earliest days of public opinion polling, when George Gallup asked about Franklin D. Roosevelt starting in the 1930s: “Do you approve or disapprove of the way ____ is handling his job […] Read more »