Economic perceptions continue to be a weak spot for Biden

President Biden’s approval ratings have remained low since earlier this summer, with 42% approving of his handling of his job as president overall and just 36% approving of his handling of the economy. Forty-two percent also rate his handling of foreign policy as good. The AP-NORC poll conducted in June found similar results: 41% approved of his overall job performance and 34% approved of his handling of the economy.

Among Democrats, 65% approve of Biden’s handling of the economy and 76% approve of how he’s handling his job as president overall, but approval is much lower among younger Democrats. Just 52% of Democrats under age 45 approve of how he is handling the economy, while 77% of older adults approve. And only 68% of Democrats under 45 rate his handling of his job as good compared to 84% of those older than 45. CONTINUED

AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research

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