Most Say Fundamental Rights Under Threat

Most Americans are worried that their fundamental freedoms could be at risk according to the Monmouth University Poll. While both Republicans and Democrats express this concern, the rights they focus on are very different. Only 4 in 10 Americans feel our system of government is basically sound and few have a great deal of trust in the judgement of the American people as a whole. Republicans tend to be somewhat more negative than Democrats on these measures, with fully 2 in 3 Republicans continuing to believe that voter fraud determined the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

A majority (55%) of Americans are very concerned that their fundamental rights and freedoms are under threat – with Republicans (63%) being somewhat more likely than Democrats (53%) or independents (51%) to feel this way. Another 29% of the general public is somewhat concerned about threats to their rights and about 1 in 6 is either not too (11%) or not at all (5%) concerned. CONTINUED

Monmouth University Polling Institute

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