After soccer moms and NASCAR dads comes the ‘pickleball voter’

It’s easy to dismiss the importance of how sports and politics commingle in American life. But it’s also a mistake.

There’s an excellent new book by our former CNN colleague Chris Cillizza to bring you up to speed. “Power Players: Sports, Politics, and the American Presidency” is about more than just the sporting lives of US presidents, although those details and backstories are quite interesting. …

In a larger sense the book is about how politicians try to manipulate their images, what voters expect from their elected leaders, and how the country has evolved since the 1950s. Dwight Eisenhower’s ties to golfing and the suburban sprawl created by the interstate system that bears his name is no coincidence.

Soccer moms, NASCAR dads, and now, Cilizza argues, pickleball voters. CONTINUED

Zachary B. Wolf, CNN

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