The Public’s Health Care Priorities For The New Congress

With the rising cost of living at the top of the public’s mind, the latest KFF Health Tracking poll finds that the public wants lawmakers to prioritize the economy and combatting inflation in the upcoming Congressional term. When asked specifically about health care priorities for Congress, passing a law to make health care costs more transparent to patients tops the list, with 60% calling this a top priority. And nearly three years into the pandemic and at a time when government COVID-19 funding may come to an end, three in ten (31%) say Congress should prioritize continuing funding for COVID-19 vaccines and treatment.

In the wake of the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade, President Biden pledged that the first bill he would send to the new Congress would be one to protect abortion rights. And though such a bill has little chance of passing in a divided Congress, this month’s KFF Health Tracking poll finds that two in three adults (65%) say passing a law to make abortion legal in all states is important, including four in ten (42%) who say it should be a top priority for Congress. CONTINUED

Kaiser Family Foundation

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