Nearly 6 in 10 Voters Reject Criminalizing Any Abortions

A majority of voters (57%) say the government should not make abortion a crime, punishable with prison time or fines. This includes seven-in-ten Democrats and nearly two-thirds of independents. Among Republicans, 77% oppose criminalization before fetal viability (22-24 weeks), including 42% who oppose any criminalization and 35% who only favor criminalization after fetal viability.

Respondents were presented three options and informed that making abortion a crime means punishing the woman or the doctor with prison time and/or major fines, which is the law in states where abortion is criminalized. Just 14% of voters nationwide favor criminalizing abortion at all stages of pregnancy, including just 17% in the fifteen states with full abortion bans, 21% of Republicans, and 32% of Republican evangelicals. …

In the innovative public consultation survey of 2,604 registered voters by the Program for Public Consultation (PPC) at the University of Maryland, respondents were given a briefing on the subject of abortion and the potential role of government. They were presented a series of policy options and evaluated a series of strongly stated arguments for and against, before making their final recommendations. The survey content was reviewed by experts from differing sides of the abortion debate to assure that the briefings were accurate and balanced and that the arguments were the strongest ones being made. CONTINUED

Program for Public Consultation, School of Public Policy, U. of Maryland

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