These five states may send a powerful message about 2024. But will Republicans hear it?

This November, the states that decided the last presidential race may send a powerful signal about the next one.

President Joe Biden assembled his winning Electoral College majority in 2020 by flipping five states that had supported Donald Trump four years earlier: Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin across the Rust Belt and Georgia and Arizona in the Sun Belt.

In November, voters in all five of those states will render verdicts on candidates virtually hand-selected by Trump in Republican primaries – including the GOP Senate nominees in Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona and gubernatorial nominees in all five states, except Georgia (where Republican Gov. Brian Kemp, who is up for reelection, has feuded with the former President).

Across these tipping-point states, the success or failure of Republican candidates who are cast so firmly in the Trump mold may offer important insights about the viability of the former President himself in 2024. CONTINUED

Ronald Brownstein, CNN

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