Americans find some sacrifices easier than others in fighting climate change

Most Americans think climate change is an issue that people should proactively do something about. When asked to choose between general approaches like the environment and climate, 58% of Americans think people should try to do things to shape and change it, while just 42% think people should simply learn to adapt to what happens and make the best of it. Americans of all ages tend to agree on this. …

But as to what specifically they themselves are willing to do, there are some sacrifices most Americans would make, while others are less popular. And there are partisan differences: unlike the majority of Americans, most Republicans think people should learn to adapt and make the best of the environment, and they feel less responsibility for taking care of the environment for future generations. In keeping with this sentiment, Republicans tend to be less willing than Democrats to make specific sacrifices to stop climate change. CONTINUED

Fred Backus, CBS News

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