The myth of the citizens’ assembly

Put 100 ordinary citizens in a room and together they will solve the most intractable political problems of our time and save democracy in the process. If only things were so simple.

Citizens’ assemblies, in which ordinary people are entrusted to carefully consider evidence on an issue and deliver policy recommendations, are the flavor of the month among political geeks across the world. …

The enthusiasm is the largely the result of the model’s widely publicized success in Ireland in helping achieve breakthroughs in legalizing abortion and gay marriage. The political scientists who designed the process are being flown all over the world to share their experience. …

Behind the headlines and widespread enthusiasm, however, lies a more complicated story that suggests citizens’ assemblies are no simple panacea, but a complex and limited democratic tool that can be used well — or badly. CONT.

Naomi O’Leary, Politico Europe