Unlearning the Lessons of ‘Hillbilly Elegy’

J.D. Vance’s Hillbilly Elegy has been on The New York Times’ bestseller list for nearly two years, and deservedly, given how improbable the author’s odyssey has been. … The book is powerfully written and poignant—and for a year, I decided to give J.D. Vance a pass. It is important his story be told and respected.

The problem is that Vance is wrong about the lessons we should take from his memoir. Liberals, too, are wrong to think they can do penance and better understand the Trump voter if they read the book. And conservatives are most certainly wrong to believe that this powerful personal story confirms their belief that poverty is invariably the result of bad personal choices and immune to any governmental solutions. CONT.

Stanley Greenberg, American Prospect