What makes Donald Trump a new kind of candidate

Have we ever seen a candidate like Donald Trump before? Not exactly. Trump combines two political traditions: the political outsider and the fringe candidate. We’ve seen each of them before. But not in one candidate. …

It sounds far-fetched to describe Trump as an ideologue. The only cause he deeply believes in is himself. His credo: “I’m a smart person” and “I’m really rich.”

Consultants write him memos offering political advice. Trump don’t need no stinking memos. “I’ve got to be me,” he says. “That’s why I am where I am, leading the polls. It’s not because of memos.” Trump’s jobs program? “I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created.” If narcissism is an ideology, Trump is its Karl Marx. CONT.

Bill Schneider (George Mason U.), Reuters

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