The New Electoral Math, and What It Means for Polling

While the debate rages over whether the GOP should view this as a message problem, a messenger problem, or a math problem, I wanted to take this blog post to underscore the challenge facing us from a math perspective – i.e. why it is important that we work hard to improve with Hispanics. As a party, we outright won swing voter groups, but lost the election. That’s staggering.

This post also takes a look at the implications for polling going forward – a topic that we’ve touched on several times already on TQIA, but one that bears further analysis. [cont.]

Glen Bolger, Public Opinion Strategies

One Response to “The New Electoral Math, and What It Means for Polling”

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  1. dipper says:

    The answer is none of the above. The Republican Party has a basic concepts problem. Your basic concepts of trickle-down economics and authoritarian social control are what turn people off, especially young people. The Democratic base just keeps growing, as more and more people get wise to these essential tenets of the Republican platform.

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