Debate Showed Democrats Taking a Big Gamble By Leaning Left

Appropriately enough, Democrats placed a big bet during their first presidential debate here this week. Across almost all domestic economic and social issues, the five contenders, including fortified front-runner Hillary Clinton, offered aggressively liberal positions. CONT. Ronald Brownstein, National Journal Read more »

Democrats Avoid a Hard Question: How to Pass Their Proposals

The Democratic presidential candidates covered a lot of ground during their debate Tuesday, but one issue received little attention: their theory of political change. How exactly would Hillary Rodham Clinton or her rivals pass the programs and proposals they advocate? The problem is simple. President Obama’s experience during his first […] Read more »

On Attack, Hillary Clinton Regains Control of Democratic Race

The Democratic race for president was Hillary Clinton’s at the start. She owned it when the candidates finally met on stage. Clinton used the first debate of the campaign to reaffirm control against four challengers who struggled to and sometimes outright refused to bring the fight to her. She delivered […] Read more »