Getting Heard By Our Discontented Working Class Voters

Democratic fortunes in the midterms depend on how well they are running in their working base among Blacks, Hispanics, Asian Americans (AAPI), unmarried women, the Millennial and Gen Z generations, as well as with the under-fifty white working class women. These voters are deeply discontented with the state of the country, and they are not yet listening to the Democrats in advance of the midterms.

So, to get to a midterm strategy, Democracy Corps conducted focus groups using Change Research to conduct focus groups with Black, white millennial and unmarried women, and white working class women under 50 years. These were the groups we should have the best chance of getting heard, if Democrats were to shift the momentum this year.

Well, Democrats can get heard if they get to a different place on anger with corporate excess and monopoly power, deep anger about the cancellation of Roe, and an escalated attack on the Republicans. They have the potential to raise Democrats’ fortunes. And they have the potential to be heard by both Biden and Trump voters, Democrats and Republicans. CONTINUED

Stanley Greenberg, Democracy Corps

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