Fox News Poll: Voters frustrated with tax system, Democrats ahead in ballot test

Republican efforts to tackle tax reform should be welcome news to voters, as the latest Fox News poll finds there’s much in the nation’s current system Americans want fixed.

A sizable 69 percent majority is upset about how much they pay personally, but that’s not the top voter frustration. Some 76 percent are very or somewhat frustrated with the complexity of the system and the forms, 78 percent feel that way about the wealthy paying too little, 85 percent don’t like corporations using loopholes to avoid paying, and 85 percent are frustrated the middle class is paying too much. …

By a 57-41 percent margin, voters say they don’t feel hopeful about the direction of the country. Since Republicans control the White House and both houses of Congress, that doesn’t bode well for incumbents. CONT.

Dana Blanton, Fox News