Millennials not so different when it comes to work

Conventional wisdom holds that the millennial generation, influenced by the 9/11 attacks, burdened with student debt and reared in a world of high-speed mobile devices, is a unique group of young people. But a special CNBC All-America Economic Survey focusing on millennials finds that while the generation has some unique […] Read more »

What Donald Trump gets about the electorate

… What if Trump actually represents a sizable electorate that Beltway elites have marginalized? The data on this is pretty clear. Put simply: While most elite-funded and elite-supported Republicans want to increase immigration and decrease Social Security, a significant number of voters (across both parties) want precisely the opposite — […] Read more »

Proposals to Fix the American Economy

One of Gallup’s core missions is to measure and understand the attitudes of the American public on key policy issues of the day. In pursuit of that goal, Gallup recently began cataloging Americans’ attitudes about the potential effectiveness of specific proposals to fix the economy. CONT. Frank Newport, Gallup Read more »