A Sliver of the Electorate Could Decide 2020. Here’s What These Voters Want.

Today’s America is so deeply polarized that it can be hard to imagine there are people who are really not sure whether they want to vote for President Trump or his Democratic rival. But these “mythic,” “quasi-talismanic,” “unicorn” swing voters are very real, and there are enough of them to […] Read more »

Biden Retakes Lead From Warren; Both Beat Trump: IBD/TIPP

Former Vice President Joe Biden is back in front of Elizabeth Warren, the November IBD/TIPP Poll of the Democratic nomination contest finds. Biden had narrowly slipped from the top spot in October. Both candidates have solid leads over President Donald Trump in head-to-head polling, though Biden remains the Democrat best […] Read more »

Democrats may come to regret choosing impeachment over independents

Put yourself, for a moment, in the shoes of average independent American voters in fly-over country where next year’s election is likely to be decided. Many, if not most, are probably feeling trapped by what amounts to a constant barrage of white noise coming out of Washington these days. Ukraine. […] Read more »

Fractured Nation: From Impeachment to Issue Priorities, Democrats and Republicans Inhabiting Increasingly Different Worlds

Amidst the backdrop of an impeachment inquiry and the Democratic Presidential primary race, a landmark survey of 2,527 Americans released today by PRRI finds Democrats and Republicans increasingly divided on issues including immigration, health care, and impeachment heading into the 2020 election cycle. PRRI’s 10th annual 2019 American Values Survey […] Read more »