More Than 50% of African-Americans Are ‘Very Concerned’ About Paying for Basic Necessities

America is experiencing a booming economy and record unemployment, but not everyone is feeling it. Large majorities of both African-Americans and Hispanics say they’re worried about job security, housing, and being able to pay for education and basic necessities, according to a VICE News-Ipsos poll focused on African-Americans and Hispanics. […] Read more »

The People’s Priorities, Examined

What will determine voters’ choice for president this year? Political scientists tell us that party loyalty, candidate images and personalities, and other idiosyncratic factors play a significant part in our vote. The main, overt focus of the presidential campaigns, however, is on none of the above — but instead is […] Read more »

Several Issues Tie as Most Important in 2020 Election

Of 16 issues presented in a recent Gallup poll, at least 30% of U.S. adults rate five as being “extremely important” to their vote for president in 2020: healthcare, national security, gun policy, education and the economy. As expected with a Republican president in office, Democrats assign higher importance than […] Read more »

Richest Republicans View Health Care Far Differently Than Poorest, NPR Poll Finds

A new poll finds that rich people are much happier with their lives than poorer people. They’re also far more likely to say they’ve achieved the American dream, that they’re satisfied with their education, and that they’re not anxious about the future. Many people could have guessed all of that […] Read more »