Majority says winner of presidential election should nominate next Supreme Court justice

A majority of Americans oppose efforts by President Trump and the Republican-led Senate to fill a Supreme Court vacancy before the presidential election, with most supporters of Democratic candidate Joe Biden saying the issue has raised the stakes of the election, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll. CONT. Scott […] Read more »

Which Health Care Issues Matter Most to U.S. Voters?

In considering which health care issues will matter most in their vote for president, likely voters were split nearly evenly on two: addressing the public health needs and economic costs of COVID-19 (40%) and protecting insurance for people with preexisting health conditions (39%). A third issue, lowering the cost of […] Read more »

Harvard Youth Poll: Election 2020

A national poll of America’s 18- to 29- year-olds released today by the Institute of Politics (IOP) at Harvard Kennedy School found significant interest in the upcoming election with the likelihood of turning out to vote at levels not seen since the 2008 presidential election. The poll found 63% of […] Read more »

Americans Mostly Agree on Policing. The Difference Is Priorities.

Even as a pandemic and the resulting economic crisis occupy much of the news, President Trump and Joe Biden often talk about something else: crime and justice. Specifically, they are talking about policing and safety, while offering sharply competing visions of America. Yet a survey reveals that Americans are not […] Read more »