Can anything move public opinion on impeachment and removal?

This week the legal and constitutional momentum for Donald Trump’s impeachment accelerated while the political momentum stalled. … In early October, most polls showed an increase in support for impeaching and removing the president. But those same polls show that most of the movement for impeachment and removal occurred among […] Read more »

This Week in Impeachment: Republicans Want to Make Impeachment About Schiff, Not Trump

As it enters its second month, the impeachment inquiry is starting to strain the internal cohesion of the Republican Party. Damaging revelations about the Ukraine affair continued to trickle out this week from media reports and the House investigation, making congressional Republicans increasingly reluctant to defend the president’s behavior on […] Read more »

Little Reason to Think Republicans Will Abandon Trump Now

Despite the saying—usually misattributed to Albert Einstein—that “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results,” it is a bit rash to declare crazy those who for three years have regularly predicted that the latest controversy or transgression would drive congressional Republicans to finally turn […] Read more »

Trump’s pollster releases the worst impeachment poll ever

… Trump on Thursday promoted a new McLaughlin poll on impeachment. The headline for McLaughlin and Trump was that Americans saw impeachment as an effort to prevent Trump’s reelection, believed Trump shouldn’t cooperate with it and said Democrats are wasting everyone’s time. How did McLaughlin arrive at these results? CONT. […] Read more »