Chris Christie and Jeb Bush have the highest unfavorable ratings of 11 potential White House candidates, yet Iowa’s Republican primary voters think they would have the best chance of being elected over the Democratic candidate in November 2016. Paul Ryan, a fiscal hawk considered another establishment guy, earns the highest […] Read more »
McDaniel’s ‘Friends and Neighbors’
In his classic book Southern Politics in State and Nation, V.O. Key Jr. wrote about the importance of “friends and neighbors” in one-party southern elections. More than half a century after the book was written, strength at home powered yet another Deep South candidate. Tuesday night featured about as dramatic […] Read more »
Iowa activists provide early perceptions of potential Hillary Clinton presidential bid
… No state frustrated Clinton more during her 2008 campaign than Iowa, which launched Obama, then an Illinois senator, and dealt her a demoralizing setback with her third-place finish in the nation’s first caucuses. Today, Iowa activists see her through a new lens. Democrats, including those who backed Obama in […] Read more »
Mike Huckabee Leading New Iowa WPA Research Poll
WPA Opinion Research (@WPAResearch), a nationally recognized polling firm, today released the results of a new Iowa-based survey examining the potential 2016 GOP field. … The telephone survey was conducted on March 30th of 402 Republican Primary Voters from Iowa. When asked, “If the Republican primary election for United States […] Read more »
Iowa Poll: 50% in Iowa say Hillary Clinton should run for president
If either Paul Ryan or Hillary Clinton truly is on the fence about running for president of the United States, some pop-the-champagne poll numbers from a new Des Moines Register Iowa Poll might encourage them. But if Rick Santorum feels confident he could win Iowa again, the new poll could […] Read more »
A New Poll Showing Why Immigration Reform Probably Won’t Pass This Year
… Republican Congressman Darrell Issa, who is in charge of writing the high-tech immigration reform bill in the House of Representatives, told us earlier this year that comprehensive immigration reform isn’t likely to happen until at least after the 2014 mid-term elections, because it’s too politically risky for Republicans to […] Read more »