Instant-reaction polls following Monday night’s debate in Boca Raton, Fla., judged President Obama to be the winner. … The first presidential debate produced roughly a 4-point bounce in head-to-head polls toward Mr. Romney, while the second presidential debate brought no appreciable bounce toward Mr. Obama. It is tempting to split […] Read more »
CNN Poll: Who won the debate?
A CNN/ORC International Poll following Monday’s presidential debate found those who watched the third and final head-to-head matchup of President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney did not identify a clear winner. Debate viewers split 48% for Obama and 40% for Romney in the poll, a margin within the sampling error […] Read more »
Poll of uncommitted voters: Obama wins final presidential debate
In a poll of 521 uncommitted voters conducted immediately after the final presidential debate, 53% of these said President Obama was the winner, 23% think Romney won, another 24% feel the debate was a tie. CBS News Read more »
Referendum or Choice, Which Candidate Will Show Fighting Spirit?
… In Charlotte … Mr. Obama demonstrated that perhaps he could win a referendum election after all. And in Denver, Mr. Romney showed that he would have a fighting chance even if voters saw the election as a clash of personalities. So what does this mean for the final debate, […] Read more »
Can the third presidential debate swing it for either Romney or Obama?
Monday brings the final debate. Heading into it, the story remains the same as it was yesterday, last week, and the week before last. President Obama and Mitt Romney remain tied in the national race. The issue for Romney is that, at this point, he lacks a viable path to […] Read more »
Obama Judged Winner of Second Debate
Americans who report watching the second presidential debate between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney believe Obama did a better job, by 51% to 38%. That is a sharp reversal from the first debate for which Romney was widely regarded as the winner. … The two-day field period after the night […] Read more »