What the latest presidential polls tell us – hint, it’s not who’s going to win

“Ignore the presidential polls,” experts tell us. “Presidential polls are meaningless” this early in the game. OK, so why is everyone paying so much attention to them? Should anyone really care that Donald Trump has “surged” to the top of the crowded Republican field? Or that Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) […] Read more »

The End of the 2016 Election Is Closer Than You Think

… We like to think that presidential elections are dramatic fall campaigns pitting party against party, but the truth is that the most decisive moments often occur long before the general election kicks off. If history is any guide, the outcome of next year’s presidential campaign will likely be determined […] Read more »

Let All Candidates Debate

… The sponsors of the first two Republican debates, Fox News and CNN, understandably worry about a huge field of at least 14 candidates, and possibly 16, by this summer. But both Fox and CNN are making it worse. They propose an A-team debate with 10 (CNN says maybe eight) […] Read more »