It’s been a bad year for polls. They were wrong in forecasting a close vote in the Greek referendum last month, wrong in overstating the Labour Party’s strength in the British elections in May, off in predicting the outcomes in the Israeli election, and off in the Scottish independence referendum […] Read more »
Marist suspends primary poll to avoid being part of debate
As candidates jostle to make the cut for the first GOP presidential debate this week, the McClatchy-Marist Poll has temporarily suspended polling on primary voter choices out of concern that public polls are being misused to decide who will be in and who will be excluded. CONT. Steve Thomma, McClatchy Read more »
Donald Trump Surges in New NBC News/WSJ Poll
Days before the first Republican debate, Donald Trump has surged into the national lead in the GOP primary race, with Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush following, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows. CONT. Carrie Dann, NBC News Read more »
What kind of party will the Republican nominee lead in 2016?
The question that will be front and center at Thursday’s Republican presidential debate is who will lead the party in 2016. As important will be: What kind of party will the GOP nominee end up leading? … Right now, it’s anybody’s guess what a majority of Republicans are looking for […] Read more »
Yes, Debates 15 Months Before Election Day Do Matter
Presidential debates, even those with 10 candidates held some 15 months before Election Day, do matter. … In the 2016 opening round in Cleveland, the political question is: Who among the lower nine will bell the cat by most directly challenging the surprise front-runner, billionaire Donald Trump? This is tricky […] Read more »
Four Republicans Are On The Bubble To Get Into The First Debate
At 5 p.m. on Tuesday, a gong will be struck at the Fox News headquarters in New York. At that moment, the five most recent national primary polls, “as recognized by FOX News,” will be averaged, and the top 10 Republican presidential candidates will get invites to the network’s prime-time […] Read more »