As campaign heats up, Republican candidates are rushing to the right

… On social issues ranging from abortion to same-sex marriage, much of the Republican field has now taken positions that are at odds with mainstream American opinion. For example, 3 out of 4 Americans say a woman should be able to obtain a legal abortion if she becomes pregnant as […] Read more »

Fear That Debate Could Hurt G.O.P. In Women’s Eyes

… Republican Party leaders, whose presidential nominees have not won a majority of female voters since 1988, are setting their sights on making electoral gains among women in the 2016 presidential race and trying to close the gender gap in swing states like Florida and Colorado. But the remarks and […] Read more »

Drama and Comedy in the Race for the White House

In their first prime-time debate last night, ten candidates for next year’s Republican presidential nomination were pummeled with challenging questions. One columnist called it less a debate than an interrogation. The result was both entertainment and substance, displaying agreement on some familiar issues but revealing divisions on others. CONT. To […] Read more »