You can blame CNN (and the news media) if childhood vaccinations go down

There were a lot of half-truths and out-right falsehoods peddled at CNN’s Republican debate Wednesday night, but perhaps the most damaging among them was the assertion by Donald Trump that childhood vaccinations cause autism, and others’ skepticism about the safety of the vaccine schedule set out by the American Academy […] Read more »

Debate Reveals a GOP In Search of Direction

That sound reverberating from the Ronald Reagan presidential library was the crash of conservative icons crumbling as 15 Republican contenders tussled over the party’s current identity and future direction in two revealing debates Wednesday night. Only Reagan seemed entirely immune from attack. CONT. Ronald Brownstein, National Journal Read more »

Carly Fiorina Gets a Lift From Iowans After Debate

Carly Fiorina hit a walk-off homer, helium is leaking from Ben Carson’s balloon and Scott Walker’s candidacy is on life support, according to the Republicans in Iowa who will cast the first votes of the nominating contest in less than five months. Oh, and Donald J. Trump is still Donald […] Read more »