Why are Republicans getting so little done? Because their agenda is deeply unpopular.

Every new president tries to claim a mandate for his agenda, that because he won the election that means the public supports everything he wants to do. But ask yourself this: Is there anything — anything — on the agenda of the Trump administration and the Republicans in Congress that […] Read more »

With withdrawal from Paris accord, Trump keeps focus squarely on his most devoted supporters

When President Trump announced the withdrawal of the United States from the Paris climate accord, he cast the decision as being in the best interests of coal miners and other working-class Americans whose support helped sweep him into office. … The announcement on climate change Thursday was just the latest […] Read more »

The Paris Agreement Would Have Been Less Partisan 30 Years Ago

… Environmentalism in the U.S. used to be a fairly bipartisan issue. The Environmental Protection Agency, founded in 1970, was a product of the Nixon administration. But somewhere around 1990, everything changed. And it changed quickly, in ways that had big impacts on our ability to negotiate international environmental accords […] Read more »