7 in 10 Americans think global warming is happening

This report documents an upward trend in Americans’ concern about global warming, as reflected in several key indicators tracked since 2008, including substantial increases in Americans’ certainty that global warming is happening and harming people in the United States now. The proportion of Americans who are very worried about global […] Read more »

Americans Support Teaching Children about Global Warming

Americans overwhelmingly support teaching our children about the causes, consequences, and potential solutions to global warming – in all 50 states and 3,000+ counties across the nation, including Republican and Democratic strongholds. Despite this strong public support for climate education, there have been recent debates in several states about whether […] Read more »

Why Is Climate Change So Politically Polarizing?

One of the starkest displays of political polarization in the U.S. is on the subject of climate change. But it wasn’t always this way. Gallup’s tracking on the issue reveals periods in the 1990s when Democrats’ and Republicans’ views on the topic were not so different. So, how did the […] Read more »

State of the Rockies Project: Strong Support for Protecting Land and Water; Voters Reject National Monument Attacks

Mountain West voters weighed in on the Trump administration’s priorities for managing the use and protection of public lands in a new Colorado College State of the Rockies Project Conservation in the West Poll released today. The poll, now in its eighth year, surveyed the views of voters in eight […] Read more »