Most Americans Support Reducing Fossil Fuel Use

While the future of the Green New Deal proposed in Congress is uncertain, most Americans support the general idea of dramatically reducing the country’s use of fossil fuels over the next two decades as a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and address climate change. CONT. Justin McCarthy, Gallup Read more »

Americans and Germans Disagree on the State of Bilateral Relations, but Largely Align on Key International Issues

Americans and Germans have vastly different opinions of their bilateral relationship, but they tend to agree on issues such as cooperation with other European allies and support for NATO, according to the results of parallel surveys conducted in the United States by Pew Research Center and in Germany by Körber-Stiftung […] Read more »

How Jay Inslee Could Win The 2020 Democratic Nomination

In his 2020 presidential announcement video, two-term Washington Governor Jay Inslee declares that climate change is the “most urgent challenge of our time.” Inslee intends to make climate change his signature issue. … But putting climate change ahead of all other issues could be risky, Stanford University psychologist Jon Krosnick […] Read more »