How many Americans believe in climate change? Probably more than you think, research in Indiana suggests

Concern about climate change is broader than many Hoosiers think. Katherine Welles/Shutterstock Matthew Houser, Indiana University Indiana certainly doesn’t look like a state that’s ready to confront climate change. Its former governor, Vice President Mike Pence, has questioned whether human actions affect the climate. In 2016 the majority of Indiana […] Read more »

This is why Congress remains deadlocked on climate and guns

There’s a political dynamic that virtually guarantees Congress will remain locked in a contentious stalemate over gun violence like the weekend’s mass shooting in Texas and the risk of climate change embodied in the ferocious Hurricane Dorian menacing the Southeast United States. Both issues highlight the effective veto over legislation […] Read more »

Bernie Sanders’ new climate plan asks Democrats: Do you want a revolution or not?

The massive scope and cost of Bernie Sanders’ new “Green New Deal” plan to confront climate change encapsulates both the potential appeal and limits of the Vermont senator’s uncompromising presidential campaign. The $16.3 trillion, 10-year climate plan he released last week envisions a rapid and comprehensive transformation of a key […] Read more »