Christie regaining, but Clinton trounces entire GOP field

Hillary Clinton isn’t only the strong front-runner for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, but she’s well ahead of every potential Republican rival, according to a new McClatchy-Marist Poll. The former secretary of state rolled up support from majorities of voters when pitted against eight different Republicans. CONT. David Lightman, McClatchy Read more »

CNN Poll: Rand Paul goes where his father never went

Rand Paul has done something his father never did – top the list of potential Republican presidential candidates in a national poll. According to a new CNN/ORC International survey, 16% of Republicans and independents who lean toward the GOP say they would be likely to support the senator from Kentucky […] Read more »

Americans Don’t Believe Christie on Jam, Clinton on Libya

Americans aren’t buying the explanations offered by Chris Christie and Hillary Clinton about controversies that could stand between them and the White House if either runs for president in 2016. Sixty-three percent say they don’t believe the New Jersey governor’s claims that he knew nothing of a plan by his […] Read more »