Most Americans Say Trump Was Too Slow in Initial Response to Coronavirus Threat

As the death toll from the novel coronavirus pandemic continues to spiral, most Americans do not foresee a quick end to the crisis. In fact, 73% say that in thinking about the problems the country is facing from the coronavirus outbreak, the worst is still to come. … President Donald […] Read more »

Tracking The Pandemic In The Battleground

For the first time in our post-Tea Party era, America responded to a big national challenge with a single voice. Nine in ten Democrats, independents, and Republicans embraced social distancing to fight the pandemic in a way that stopped the economy, split families apart and most of all, left most […] Read more »

Another lesson about context: Biden and young voters in 2020

Today, I thought I’d offer another lesson about why context is so important in political reporting and analysis — and how it can affect our view of the 2020 presidential contest. On April 8, NBC News ran a piece online, “Progressive Youth Groups Issue a List of Demands for Joe […] Read more »

No progressive tea party: Sanders’ exit highlights asymmetry between the parties

The tea party of the left never materialized. While the election of Barack Obama triggered a takeover of the Republican Party by its more radical elements and eventually paved the way for Donald Trump, Democrats have taken a different route during Trump’s presidency and have mostly defeated their populists at […] Read more »

React or Prepare? How to Handle a Crisis

The scale of the COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented but history is often a helpful guide. Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services for the Obama administration, and Andy Card, Secretary of the Department of Transportation for President George H.W. Bush and White House Chief of Staff for President George […] Read more »