Just How “Electable” is Trump, Anyway?

Key Points• Despite a second indictment, Donald Trump remains in a strong position in the GOP presidential primary field.• Trump continues to earn majorities or near-majorities in polls, far outpacing his rivals, including Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.• Republicans would rather have a nominee they agree with than an electable one. […] Read more »

How Republicans are stitching their own straitjacket on Trump indictment

The Republican response to Donald Trump’s latest criminal indictment offers a clear test of the famous saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again and hoping for a different result. The choice by Republican leaders, and even almost all of his 2024 rivals for the […] Read more »

CBS News poll analysis: GOP primary voters still see Trump as best shot against Biden

Former President Donald Trump is Republicans’ top choice for a presidential nominee, not only because they like what he did as president, but also because they think he can win. Despite questions about his electability, they still see him as their best shot to defeat President Joe Biden. And views […] Read more »

Trump indictment: Most Republicans think charges are politically motivated

A vast majority of Republicans believe federal criminal charges against Donald Trump are politically motivated, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll completed on Monday that also showed him far ahead of his nearest rival in the race for the Republican presidential nomination. The polling, which began on Friday, a day after […] Read more »

Trump holds double-digit lead after federal indictment – Reuters/Ipsos poll

The federal criminal charges against Donald Trump have done little to change Americans’ views of the former president, based on a new Reuters/Ipsos poll completed on Monday that shows him maintaining a commanding lead in the race for the Republican presidential nomination. The polling, which began on Friday, a day […] Read more »