Broad doubts about Biden’s age and acuity spell Republican opportunity in 2024

President Joe Biden’s job approval rating hit a career low in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll and a broad 68% of Americans say he’s too old for another term as president — views that put him in a trailing position against top Republicans in early preferences for 2024.

Just 44% see Biden’s potential opponent, Donald Trump, as too old. (Trump is 76; Biden, 80.) Beyond chronological age, Trump far surpasses Biden in being seen as having the mental sharpness and the physical health it takes to serve effectively as president, with wide doubts about Biden on both fronts.

Another difference looks equally problematic for Biden should Trump emerge as the Republican nominee: Americans by 54-36% say Trump did a better job handling the economy when he was president than Biden has done in his term so far. CONTINUED

Gary Langer, ABC News

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