In June and July 2018, we launched a U.S. survey that asked 5,400 Americans how much confidence they had in a series of national institutions, called the American Institutional Confidence (AIC) Poll. These included political, social and business institutions. …
With these questions, we collected detailed demographic and background data on respondents that allowed us to weight their responses toward approximating U.S. adults nationwide on age, gender, education, region, party identification and income level, as estimated by the census. Respondents were part of YouGov’s opt-in survey panel.
In August and October 2021, we returned with a follow-up survey. We were able to reinterview nearly 2,400 of our original respondents, and add an additional 1,700 participants through YouGov. CONTINUED
Jonathan Ladd (Georgetown), Sean Kates (Penn) & Joshua Tucker (NYU), Monkey Cage
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