Republicans weigh in on Liz Cheney and direction of GOP

When House Republicans ousted Congresswoman Liz Cheney from her leadership post, it spoke to the direction of the Republican Party in at least one specific way: what should happen to those who publicly break with former President Donald Trump? So, we surveyed the nation’s self-identified Republicans to learn what they thought of the week’s events. …

Eighty percent of Republicans who’d heard about the vote agree with Cheney’s removal — they feel she was off-message, unsupportive of Mr. Trump, and that she’s wrong about the 2020 presidential election. …

Republicans say that Mr. Trump himself represents their views just as well as they think the party does; it’s a personal connection to him we’ve seen for years. Today, loyalty also means they specifically want the party to follow more of the former president’s examples across a range of items, including economics, issues of race and immigration, how to treat the media, using power and leadership, generally. CONTINUED

Anthony Salvanto, Fred Backus & Jennifer De Pinto, CBS News

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