As Biden signs relief bill, voters give him highest marks on economy, COVID

Tomorrow will mark 50 days in office for President Biden, halfway to the 100-day symbolic milestone that became a yardstick in the first year of Franklin Roosevelt’s presidency and even more so with John Kennedy’s too-brief tenure in the White House.

On March 1, this column took a look at Biden’s early numbers, but a wave of data has come this week to give us a more complete report card. A massive, 12,055-interview national survey by the Pew Research Center showed 54 percent of adults approving of Biden’s performance and 42 percent disapproving, for a net positive of 12 points. Remember, President Trump never reached 50 percent in a major national poll in four years.

A CNN survey showed a more modest 51 percent overall approval, against 41 percent disapproval. Another poll out today, from NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist College, was similar to the CNN poll, with 49 percent of adults approving and 42 percent disapproving. CONTINUED

Charlie Cook, National Journal

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