Last month, I examined the exit-poll data to answer the question How did Joe Biden win the presidential election? I distilled six “hard truths” that help explain his victory. Drawing on those findings, I want to turn to a related question: What lessons does his victory hold for how he should govern? …
It comes down to isolating and then reducing the ‘MAGA nation’ diehards, whom exit pollsters found were 31 percent of the electorate, while seeking to convince the remaining 15 to 16 percent of Trump voters that Trumpism is the wrong path for our nation. Success for the Biden administration will come from snaring over time at least some support from this segment of Republicans who have not swallowed Trump’s Kool-Aid, even as they voted for his re-election. This will mean, at times, pursuing policies and political messages that pit the wings of Trump’s coalition against one another. CONTINUED
Bruce Gyory, The Bulwark