… Eight in ten adults (79%) say they do not want to see the Supreme Court overturn the protections for people with pre-existing conditions established by the Affordable Care Act and a majority of U.S. adults (58%) also say they do not want to see the Supreme Court overturn the entire 2010 law. …
Former Vice President Biden has the edge on all health care issues over President Trump with at least half of voters saying they think Biden has the better approach to handling a series of health care issues asked about in the poll. … At least half voters 65 and older, say they think Biden has the better approach across all health care policy areas including key advantages over President Trump on determining the future of the ACA (57% v. 38%), surprise medical bills (53% v. 40%), maintaining pre-existing condition protections (55% v. 42%), and reproductive health policy (53% v. 41%). CONT.
Kaiser Family Foundation

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