Impeachment polls and the risk of a self-fulfilling prophecy

… Impeachment polls matter; as I’ve noted many times (and will surely have to note again), impeachment is more a political process than a judicial one. Poll movement over time matters, too. Nonetheless, the widespread notion that support for impeachment is stagnant is a selective interpretation. As Nieman Lab’s Joshua Benton tweeted last week, “No change in views on impeachment after public hearings” could also be framed as “Support for impeachment still at all-time record high, higher than for any other US president in history.” Below the topline findings, the picture is richer still. Approval for the impeachment inquiry (as opposed to impeachment and/or removal from office) continues to outstrip disapproval; per Quinnipiac, a clear majority of Americans think the administration should cooperate with Democrats. CONT.

Jon Allsop, Columbia Journalism Review

Recent polls: President Trump and impeachment