Democrats may come to regret choosing impeachment over independents

Put yourself, for a moment, in the shoes of average independent American voters in fly-over country where next year’s election is likely to be decided. Many, if not most, are probably feeling trapped by what amounts to a constant barrage of white noise coming out of Washington these days.

Ukraine. Doral. Impeachment. Syria. Schiff and Pelosi. Hunter and Joe. Trump and Trump. Impeachment. Secret hearings and secret Russian “assets.” Impeachment.

The media can’t get enough of it. Most people have had enough already. …

In our most recent Winning the Issues survey (Oct. 18-21), we asked voters to tell us the most important issue to them in deciding who to vote for Congress. The top issue for Republicans was immigration at 25 percent with the economy/jobs second at 19 percent, reflecting what has been the view of the GOP base for a number of years. For Democrats, their most important issue continues to be health care at 25 percent, with the economy/jobs coming in second at 18 percent. CONT.

David Winston (Winston Group), Roll Call