A majority (54%) of Americans believe that abortion should be legal in all (23%) or most (31%) cases, while four in ten (40%) believe that abortion should be illegal in most (25%) or all (15%) cases. These numbers are essentially unchanged since 2014 when a similar majority (55%) of Americans said abortion should be legal in all (21%) or most (34%) cases, and about four in ten (41%) believed that abortion should be illegal in most (25%) or all (16%) cases. …
Support for abortion is highest in the Northeast, where six in ten (61%) say abortion should be legal in most or all cases, including over one-quarter (27%) who say abortion should be legal in all cases. The West follows with over half (56%) saying abortion should be legal in most or all cases, including 25% who say it should be legal in all cases. The South and Midwest are more split on the issue, with 52% of the Midwest and 49% of the South saying abortion should be legal in most or all cases.
Notably, fewer than one in five Americans across the entire country say abortion should be illegal in all cases. This includes residents living in the South (17%) and in the Midwest (16%) who say abortion should be illegal in all cases. CONT.
Public Religion Research Institute