As the 2020 campaign cycle begins in earnest, the findings from the most recent Battleground survey reveal an electorate with an ever-deepening sense of frustration toward the status quo in Washington—evident not just in voters’ dissatisfaction with the President(though Trump’s ratings remain spectacularly bad), but also in their persistent exasperation with the state of the American polity—the major institutions and the individuals charged with leading them. Even more important for Democrats is voters’ pronounced economic anxiety. The last of these, in particular, has been manifest for the better part of two decades, despite the political and media elites’ fawning to the contrary—a dynamic that only exacerbatesthe sense of alienation among voters and non-voters alike—and appears unlikely to improve without serious and bold economic initiatives from the Democrats. Indeed, “change” promises, once again, to be the by-word of this election, as voters continue to cast about for an alternative to a political class they believe either fails to hear them—or does hear them, and yet fails to act. CONT. – pdf
Celinda Lake, Daniel Gotoff & Corey Teter, Lake Research Partners

more details:
Georgetown Institute of Politics and Public Service Battleground Poll