Millennials aren’t apathetic, they’re remaking the Democratic Party. Here’s how.

With the November midterms fast approaching, the 2018 cycle has already delivered two major primary upsets on the Democratic side in the House. In New York’s 14th, Joe Crowley, one of the most powerful Democrats in the country and state of New York, was unseated by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Then, in Massachusetts 7th, Ayanna Pressley beat 10-term incumbent Mike Capuano.

Down-ballot progressives unseated even more centrists. In New York, seven state senators lost primaries, including the most powerful Democrat in the state senate. These two victories launched a thousand takes about the fate of liberalism. Were Democrats drifting to the left? Were Democratic Socialists taking over? But what has not broadly been understood is that this is only the beginning of young people remaking a new Democratic Party. CONT.

Sean McElwee (Data for Progress),