Texas is a state with a diverse population and is home to the largest number of uninsured residents among U.S. states. In a new survey, the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Episcopal Health Foundation sought to gauge Texans’ views on health policy priorities, as well as their own experiences in the health care system. This brief, the second based on the survey, examines Texas residents’ experiences with health care affordability and access to care.
The survey finds that health care affordability is a major concern for many Texans. Over half of Texas residents say it is difficult for their family to afford health care, higher than the shares that say the same about housing, utilities, transportation, or food. About four in ten say they’ve had problems paying medical bills in the past year, and roughly six in ten say someone in their household has postponed or skipped some sort of medical care in the past year because of the cost; both of these shares are higher than the shares measured nationally in Kaiser Family Foundation tracking polls. CONT.
Kaiser Family Foundation