After keeping their distance from the issue for decades, Democrats are suddenly gung-ho about gun control. …
Gun control advocates point to overwhelming public support for proposals like expanding background checks for gun buyers and blocking domestic abusers from buying guns. Democratic pollster Anna Greenberg, of Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research, highlights public opinion on those fronts but also acknowledges that the issue of gun laws “is more contested than the policy, if that makes sense.”
“It reminds me to some degree of Obamacare,” says Frank Newport, editor-in-chief at Gallup. “Many of the individual provisions of the Affordable Care Act got strong approval by the public, but the overall act did not and was also very, very polarizing politically.” In the same way, gun control “symbolically has a very polarizing political aspect to it,” he says. CONT.
Emily Cadei, Newsweek
Recent polls: Guns