Mike Huckabee Leading New Iowa WPA Research Poll

WPA Opinion Research (@WPAResearch), a nationally recognized polling firm, today released the results of a new Iowa-based survey examining the potential 2016 GOP field. …

The telephone survey was conducted on March 30th of 402 Republican Primary Voters from Iowa. When asked, “If the Republican primary election for United States President were held today, for whom would you vote for…” the results were:

1. Mike Huckabee – 14%
2. Rand Paul – 10%
3. Scott Walker – 8%
4. Paul Ryan – 7%
4. Jeb Bush – 7%
4. Ted Cruz – 7%
7. Chris Christie – 6%
8. Rick Santorum – 5%
9. Rick Perry – 3%
9. Marco Rubio – 3%
10. Bobby Jindal – 2%
10. Someone else – 2%
Undecided – 26%

WPA Opinion Research

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