GfK Web-Based Polls: Why Do AP, Pew, CBS, and Other Media Trust Them? A Recent GfK Poll Raises Doubts

In November, iMediaEthics tested Pew’s October poll results on trans fat: Pew’s phone poll (conducted by PSRAI) found 44% in favor of trans fats being banned from restaurants, while iMediaEthics’ November GfK web-based poll found 64% in favor.

iMediaEthics re-tested both polls in December to see if public opinion had actually changed that much, or if the large difference was because of the method of polling — phone versus internet.

Based on PSRAI telephone polling and GfK web-based polling (which uses The KnowldedgePanelTM), the iMediaEthics’ study confirmed significant differences between poll responses given on the phone versus those obtained on the Internet. CONT.

Andrew E. Smith & David W. Moore, iMediaEthics

See also: GfK responds to iMediaEthics’ doubt about its poll; iMediaEthics answers GfK response

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