Red, Divided and Blue Fly This Independence Day

It seems entirely revealing, if dispiriting, that the days before the July Fourth holiday showed Red America and Blue America pulling apart at an accelerating rate. …

On almost all of our major policy choices, the common thread is that the election of 2012 did not “break the fever” of polarization, as President Obama once hoped it might. Last November, Obama became only the third Democrat in the party’s history to win a majority of the popular vote twice. But congressional Republicans, preponderantly representing the minority that voted against Obama, have conceded almost nothing to his majority—leaving the two sides at a stalemate. Meanwhile, beyond the Beltway, states that lean Democratic and those that lean Republican are separating at a frenetic pace. [cont.]

Ron Brownstein, National Journal

One Response to “Red, Divided and Blue Fly This Independence Day”

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  1. Rico says:

    This could have been an informative article, only that this transcends with the fourth of July. I am sorry to hear this though.

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