Obama Has Lost Advantage Over G.O.P. on Economy

During the debate over the so-called fiscal cliff in December, public opinion surveys showed more Americans trusted President Obama than trusted Republicans in Congress when it came to handling the nation’s economy. …

But with more budget battles approaching, over raising the nation’s borrowing limit and perhaps reaching a grand bargain, Mr. Obama’s advantage over Congressional Republicans has all but vanished. Public approval of his handling of the economy has slipped, according to polls, and surveys now show that a roughly equal number of Americans favor Mr. Obama as favor Congressional Republicans on economic matters. [cont.]

Micah Cohen, FiveThirtyEight (NYT)

Recent polls: Obama | Budget/Economy

One Response to “Obama Has Lost Advantage Over G.O.P. on Economy”

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  1. Still Terry says:

    People are idiots. They didn’t trust the GOP strategies enough to elect one to the White House. They realized that Republicans were willing to push the country over the fiscal cliff in order to make Obama look bad, and when that happens, they suddenly trust the GOP more? Insane.

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